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Visitors use our cleaning service directory to find local cleaning service providers in the US, Canada, UK & Australia while business owners use our cleaning service directory to promote their services in a very targeted way. Our directory includes all types of residential and commercial cleaning businesses organized by State or Province.

Check out some of these businesses...

We are a family-owned business that’s been operating for twenty years. Everyone, from the chief executive officer to the janitor takes great pride to be...

 Carpet Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Residential Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning /  Virginia / 1220 views

Carpet Cleaning Gaithersburg is a VIP cleaning service for your home or office specializing in carpet and upholstery cleaning. We also provide all carpet cleaning...

 Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning /  Maryland / 1184 views

If your carpet’s not as bright as it used to be it’s usually because it consumed a big amount of dust deep in its fibers,...

 Car Detailing, Carpet Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Residential Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, Vent Cleaning, Window Cleaning /  Maryland / 1251 views

The easiest thing you can do about your unwanted items is to call Texas Trash Haulers. Texas Trash Haulers are here to help you with...

 Cleanouts /  Texas / 1112 views

Cleanouts New Jersey

Popular Featured

Home cleanout services are great for those who need to get rid bulky furniture or a large amount of items in a short period of...

 Cleanouts /  New Jersey / 789 views

City Wide Cleaning Services, headquartered in Santee, CA, provides customized sterilization services and commercial grade cleaning services to residential complexes, commercial buildings, office buildings, retail...

 Carpet Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning, Floor Cleaning, Residential Cleaning, Tile Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, Window Cleaning /  California / 1114 views

Westfield Cleaning

Popular Featured

Westfield Cleaning delivers expert residential and commercial cleaning services professionals in the Westfield, NJ area and surrounding towns. We work courteously and quickly, helping to...

 Carpet Cleaning /  New Jersey / 752 views

Protecting Your Investment Your property is more than acreage and brick-and-mortar. It’s an investment. Liberty SoftWash is proud to offer superior services that will protect...

 Roof Cleaning /  Pennsylvania / 1078 views

I am here to make living the lifestyle you want easier. I focus on doing the jobs and tasks that will aid you in living...

 Commercial Cleaning / 1112 views

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» List Your Business is a cleaning business directory featuring cleaning services of all varieties from around the US, Canada, UK & Australia organized by type of service and location.  Basic listings in the directory are free for the first 60 days and can be renewed for as low as $7.99.  We also offer "Premium" listings which upgrade your listing with additional features for cleaning business owners.  As a business owner, it's important to understand how quality links like a listing in our directory have a positive impact on your website's search engine results.  List you business today and show the search engines you are serious about marketing your business.

For related businesses that are not qualified to list in the directory, we offer a variety of advertising options including text and banner ads throughout the site.  Let us know if you’d like discuss advertising on - Directory of cleaning service businesses

If you know a cleaning service that should list in our directory, please use the share buttons throughout the website to send the owner a link.

A list of our frequently asked questions can be found here.  If you are interested in advertising or other partnership opportunities with, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We hope you enjoy browsing our directory!

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